
Transfield Art Prize

The Transfield Art Prize, which ran between 1961 and 1971, includes in its list of winners Roger Kemp, Fred Williams and Ron Robertson Swann, household names now, but relative unknowns at the time. ‘The Transfield’, as it soon became known, was an acquisitive prize and the winning works can now be found in the collection.

The Winners:

  1. 1961 - John Molvig, City Industrial
  2. 1962 - Andrew Sibley, Bathers
  3. 1963 - Maximillion Feuerring, Still Life
  4. 1964 - Fred Williams, You Yangs
  5. 1965 - Roger Kemp, Genesis
  6. 1966 - Norma Redpath, Immortal Warrior
  7. 1967 - William Rose, Painting
  8. 1968 - John Peart, Bivuac
  9. 1969 - Ron Robertson-Swann, Sydney Summer
  10. 1970 - Bill Clements, Ready for 6th August
  11. 1971 - Aleks Danko, Carnival
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