
Renting Artwork

You can join in the history of Transfield and share the company’s enjoyment of art by renting works from the collection.

The process is as follows:

  • Contact is made between the client and the manager of the collection. The collection manager is briefed on the requirements of the client (this can be by phone, email or by completing our online form).
  • Transfield’s art manager visits the client’s premises and liaises with the client. Where it is not possible for the manager to visit, the selection process is performed remotely utilising site photographs, floor plans and photomontaging.
  • Once the works are agreed upon a legal agreement is drafted.
  • Once agreement is reached the works are then transported to the premises and installed.
  • Rental is calculated daily and invoiced monthly. Thirty days notification is required for the return of works. If an exchange is required then the curatorial process ensues.

Transfield provides the curatorial service, insurance of works, conservation and labelling. It is the responsibility of the client to pay for transportation and hanging, although these activities are usually arranged by Transfield.

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