
The Transfield Art Collection is one of the major private collections of contemporary art in Australia, not necessarily in value - although it does contain pieces of significance - but more because it illustrates the journey of Transfield’s founder, Franco Belgiorno-Nettis, now continued by his sons Luca and Guido.

From the outset Franco Belgiorno-Nettis' vision for the arts in Australia was ahead of its time. In 1961 he founded the Transfield Art Prize and in 1973, with the support of the Federal and NSW governments and the City of Sydney, Transfield founded the Biennale of Sydney. Transfield continues to be the Founding Partner of the Biennale to this day.

In 2004, at the age of 89, two years before his passing, Franco Belgiorno-Nettis instigated a new initiative for the company: the roll-out of the company’s art rental program, whereby works from the collection became available for hire. Profits from the art rental program are donated to the Transfield Foundation, which Transfield Holdings and Transfield Services launched in 2009.

We look forward to sharing the Transfield Art Collection with you.

Stephen Bradley
Manager, the Transfield Art Collection

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